How I got started: I called my first square dance at my grade school when I was about 10 years old for a school program. It was called,
"The Texas Star", and I never thought about square dancing again until our children started dancing with the
"Swingin' Teens" youth club, called by Jerry Morris. Sue and I began lessons with the
"Dude's and Dolls" in the spring of 1972. After graduation we attended our first National Convention in Des Moines, Iowa.
In the early spring of 1973, a group of teenagers wanted to do an exhibition at their school's spring program. Their club caller (Jerry Morris) was not going to be available, so they conned me into calling for them. Jerry loaned me a Newcomb 25 amplifier (which I later bought for $100.00)
to use. The "want to be a caller" bug bit me, so I bought some records from Dorothy's Square Dance Shop for $1.25 each and so it began....
We then formed an exhibition group that performed at several functions including hospitals etc.
My first paying dance was a western party for a church group that paid $25.00.
In the fall of 1975, a group of adult dancers from Smithville, Missouri, asked me to help form a youth club, so I called for them 3 years. With the help of the adult advisors, the club grew at one time to 125 youth dancers.
In 1978 I was asked to start an adult club in Kansas City North, which we called the
"Skirts and Flirts".
Later, I called for the Funtimers, Stan's Raiders (Plus Club), Dudes and Dolls, Swinging Oaks,
Plus DBD Club in St. Joseph and Maryville Missouri, Vantastics (Plus club), Half-A-Pair Squares, Top Railers, and Single Promenaders'.
Current club caller for:
Shooting Stars
Santa Fe Trailers. |
Called for various other clubs in the KC
area, and many other clubs across Missouri as guest caller.
Called dances and/or festivals in
Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Nebraska, Colorado, Idaho,
Wyoming, Washington State and Texas. |
Called many "Tanglefoot Ball" dances in
St. Joseph Missouriuntil the club folded. |
Called many "Ice Cream Special" dances at
Maysville Missouri, (Still doing this one In July).
Called week-end dances at: Coffey's
College at Grand Lake Oklahoma, Kimberling City, Missouri, |
Millstone Lodge and Kirkwood Lodge in the
Ozarks. Working with Callers Larry Marchese (Arkansas), Joe Goins (Tennessee), Tim Tyl (Texas), Curt Davis (Arkansas), Van Coble (Florida), and Dana Schirmer (Kansas). |
Sponsored a bus trip to Texas to call a
festival with Tim Tyl.
Sponsored Square Dance Cruises in 1994 and
1996 |
New Years Eve dances with Jay Krebs. Van
Coble and Al Block. |
Gospel Specials with Bill Roles.
Called Specials with National Callers Dan Nordbye, Nasser Shukayr, Darryl Lipscomb, and Tim Tyl.
Called on the HOA Float at the American Royal numerous times and on floats at other occasions.
Recorded square dance singing calls on
Quadrille, 4-Bar-B, Sundance, and Omar labels. |
Attended many National and State
Conventions over the years. |
Past memberships: Kansas City Missouri Callers
Association, Western Missouri Callers Association, and Callerlab.
Current member: KAMO Callers and Cuers Association and American Callers Association. |
Awarded Heart Of America
Caller Hall of Fame
2007 |
Missouri Caller Hall of Fame
2010 |