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Blue District KSDA

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Blue District - KSDA
St. Louis Metro
Heart of America
The History of Square
      Dancing in Missouri
Central District History
      From The "Central
      Missouri" Website
      By Judy Pottinger
Round Dance History
      From The "Central
      Missouri" Website
      By Judy Pottinger
Square Dance History
      From The "Central
      Missouri" Website
      By Judy Pottinger

Updated 1/6/14

Printable History  I

October 2012

In the Spring of 1980, twenty-two people met for the purpose of discussing the wisdom of organizing a square dance club for those who were unable to attend a Saturday night club. After trying five Tuesday nights that season, it was the consensus of the group that they were ready to organize a club that would dance regularly on a weeknight.

They voted to organize a club and dance twice monthly on the first and third Tuesday nights. It was voted that the club would have a Board of Directors form of officers. The Club would be called Tuesday Night Twirlers or TNT, whichever seemed to work best for the club. The Board of Directors elected were: Richard & Dorothy Hewitt, Dale & Mary Denniston, John Brockway, Eleanor Meyers and Wayne and Phyllis Jones. Other directors and delegates who have served since then are Robert & Donna Smith, Jim & Betty Foltz, Ken & Kathy Butel, Mike & Sally Crane and Bud & Donna Stoldt.

Mike Kelly was hired as the first caller for TNT and continued to call for the 1986-87 season. Dancing twice monthly, the club scheduled other special dances as the treasury allowed. Round dancing was offered at the special dances and our cuer was Marvin & Norma Harlan.

 In 1987-88 season, the club voted to become a Plus Club. A different caller for each dance would be scheduled and a cuer for the season would be secured. The dances would be on a weeknight and the night would vary depending on when the caller could be scheduled.

Callers that have called for TNT:

Ken Bower
Greg Edison
Marshall Flippo
Monty Hackler
Jon Jones
Mike Kelly
Frank Lane
Gary Mahnken
Dan Nordbye
Tom Roper
Mike Sikorsky
Dave Towry
Jerry Wright

Dean Dederman
Jerry Ellis
Shane Greer
Jim Hayes
Deborah Jones
Jay Krebs
Larry Letson
Beryl Main
Marshall Poole
Dana Schirmer
Jerry Story
Richard Verge
Francis Zeller

Randy Dougherty
John Eubank
Jerry Haag
Mike Hogan
Jerry Junck
Kohn Kwaiser
Darryl Lipscomb
Bob Newman
Roberta Renicker
Gary Shoemake
Art Tangen
Lanny Weaklend

Cuers cueing round dancing since TNT became a Plus Club are Frank Lanning (1987-88 through 1996-97); Pat & Jack Logan (1997-98 through March 2003) and Pam & Tom Young, our present cuer, started in 2003.

TNT now offers Fall Dances (September, October, November) and Spring Dances (March, April, May) These are the months easiest to get callers and months with more favorable weather. Your local callers are to be commended for preparing you to enjoy their calling as well as that of visiting callers.


TNT held their final dance Tuesday night, November 7, 2013, with Marshall Poole as the featured caller.

It is sad to know our club can no longer offer these special dances, but some older dancers are having difficulty dancing. Some dancers are limiting their travels due extra costs, some of our younger dancers are needing to work more hours, and even the callers are finding their expenses are limiting their travels.

We have had great help from local members as well as very loyal support from our TNT dancers and we want to thank each and every square and round dancer who has been so supportive of TNT Plus Club.

Thank You For Dancing With TNT!!

Dorothy Hewitt, Robert & Donna Smith