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      From The "Central
      Missouri" Website
      By Judy Pottinger
Round Dance History
      From The "Central
      Missouri" Website
      By Judy Pottinger
Square Dance History
      From The "Central
      Missouri" Website
      By Judy Pottinger

Updated 2/14/11

Printable History  I 

October 2008

Longview Twisters

The first class of students that were to become the Longview Twisters was compiled of members of the Longview Methodist Church, who sponsored them. The lessons were held in the fellowship hall with Bob Radford as the instructor.

The group graduated in May of 1960, and most of us danced at Truman Corners most Saturdays of that summer. In the fall the club was formed with Dick & Ruby Randol as President, and Bill & June Gowing as Vice President.

The initial membership was made of Longview Church members, many of whom still had vivid memories of the 1957 Ruskin tornado - thus the name Longview Twisters. Our first badges had a location of Hickman Mills, Missouri, (a community that did not incorporate, therefore later badges have Kansas City Missouri).

Our first caller was Buford Evans, followed by Larry Young, then Jim Jefferies.

Our dance locations have been Longview United Methodist Church, Red Barn, Gillis Center, and Hickman Mills Community Christian Church.

Our initial by-laws called for all board members to be members of the Church. There were times when the treasury did not have enough to pay rent, thus we danced at the Church for free.