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Heart of America

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      By Judy Pottinger
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      By Judy Pottinger
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      From The "Central
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      By Judy Pottinger

Updated 2020

Printable History  I 


Heart Of America Federation of
Square Dance Clubs

The Federation's name was adopted February 18, 1952, with the original bylaws being accepted on March 31, 1952.

The Circuit Court of Jackson County, Division 3, as a Pro Forma Decree Corporation, issued the Charter March 23, 1953 with 35 clubs signing the Articles of Agreement.

The purpose was to have an organization which the various square dance clubs of the metropolitan area of Kansas City could become a member.  The purpose was promoting fellowship and maintaining high standards of square and folk dancing between the individual squase dance clubs.

Dick & Doris Flucke, the Federation's first President, were instrumental in establishing the National Square Dance Convention. The 2nd (1953), the 24th (1975), and the 67th (2018) Convention's were held in Kansas City, Missouri.