May 2008
The Do-Si-Doers have been dancing for 55 years. We were first organized in June
of 1953 under the direction of Mrs. Luther Walker and Mr. Duane Bateman. The
Square Dance club met at Gashland Community Church. Our first caller was Al
Merman, and we danced to live music - piano, banjo, and fiddle. We had 31
couples and a waiting list.
Sponsored by Belles & Beaux, our club was admitted to the Heart of America
Federation in 1956. George Mangiarcina was our caller from 1955-56 until his
untimely death in April 1960. We hired Buford Evans in 1960 and he and his
lovely wife Sylvia were our callers thru 2001. That is 40 consecutive years.
WOW! We honored Buford and Sylvia at our May 6, 2000 dance. Sadly, Buford passed
away April 29, 2001, age 83. Mike Schaff and wife Kay called 2001-2002 but had
to decline after that because of cancer. We hired Al Block and his wife Alberta
as caller and Mike Hines and his wife Dottie as cuer, for the 2000-2001 dance
season. We are enjoying their calling and cueing to present, 2008, and hopefully
Our club has danced at many different places over the years, Gashland Community
Church, Gashland School, Linden West School, Oakwood Manner School, Ford Union
Hall, Antioch Town Hall, TWA Machinist Union Hall, Church of the Good Shepherd,
Barry Middle School, Sheppard Memorial Youth Center, Kansas City North Community
Center, Park Hill North Junior High School, Plaza Middle School and our present
location, Our Lady of Mercy Country Home, 10 years, and counting.
Our membership has gone up and down over the years, with the highest count of 55
couples, for two dance seasons, 1969-1970 & 1970-1971. All in all, we have a
strong club with 29 couples and one single with everyone enjoying dancing and
Our Executive board: President, V.P., Treasurer, Recording Secretary,
Corresponding Secretary, and Fed. Delegate, are elected for a 2 year terms. We
elect a V.P. every year. He serves one year as V.P., and moves up to President
the second year. One year we elect a Fed. Delegate & a Recording Secretary. The
following year we elect a treasurer and corresponding Secretary. This system has
worked well for our club.
Over the years we have enjoyed many activities including attending National,
State, Federation, and District Dances, and Caller's festivals. Also, Square
dance Weekends at Silver Dollar City, a bus trip to dance in South Dakota and
Minnesota, a Weekend in Eureka Springs, a Precious Moments tour - Carthage,
Missouri, and horse races in Omaha.
To promote Square Dancing, we have given numerous exhibition dances, including
Starlight Theater, Chiefs Pre-season Football game, American Royal, Platte
County Fair, and all over the northland area. We have had dance lessons every
year, adding members to our club.
An outstanding fact: two couples, Bob & Virginia Woodard and Hank and LaVanghn
Weaver joined our club in 1956. In 2006 we had a big celebration of their
dancing with the Do-Si-Doers for 50 years. I do believe this is a FIRST, and
they are still dancing with us, or should I say, we are dancing with them.
(Living proof that Square dancing is good for you).
Bob &
Virginia Woodard
Hank & LaVanghn Weaver |
Respectfully submitted
Barbara Taylor Historian
(Revised March 2008) |