February 2008
Hey, you want to go square dancing? Let's find the girls and see what they want to do. Where will we go? The Couples Clubs don't want us dancing with them, and so we are too old for the youth groups. So, where do we go to dance? Why don't we start our own club?
The B-Tween's Square Dance Club began dancing in May of 1975, after the original twelve members graduated from lessons. They were a group of very enthusiastic young adults, who wanted to dance but were unable to join the youth clubs because they were too old, and unable to dance with the adult clubs due to the fact that most of the clubs at that time were couples clubs.
The name B-Tween came as a result of this dilemma...Too old for the youth clubs...Too young for the adult clubs, thus BE -TWEEN the two groups.
The first caller for the B-Tween's was Dick Thelander and his wife Mary Lou. Dick called for the club until 1980. Bill Reynolds and his taw, Liz, then began their association with the club. The club celebrated Bill's 25 years of calling for the club in 2006, and then celebrated 30 years of calling for the club in 2011. The B-Tween callers and taws have supported the club very faithfully throughout the years by giving of many hours of their time and devotion to the club.
The B-Tweens is now open to all ages of square dancers. We have families, couples, singles and youth, young and old. Our objective is to have fun, fellowship, and enjoy the benefits of square dancing, regardless of age.
The club dances the second Saturday of each month September through May. They danced at the Nativity of Mary School in Independence for many years, but as of this year 2013, have moved to the Little Blue Barn. Come dance with us for a special evening of dancing!
History submitted by Betty Taylor 2008 Edited for the present by Bob & Shirley Stock.
